Adria has been writing…


A little history
I’m one of those people who tells stories. Always. 
Since I was a child, I told stories of my experiences to relate to other people, and stories of my own devising to entertain other people, and my dolls and stuffed bears. When I learned to write, I wrote many of those stories down, but not all.
I participated in NaNoWriMo in its early years. I rewarded myself with a shirt one of the years I finished.

A break
While I never stopped telling stories to myself or to others, I took a break from writing those stories down. During that time, I raised two children and attained my doctorate in physical chemistry. Time for writing was limited during that time. Though I have a pile of handwritten journals that may show me a liar.

During my creative writing break, I wrote for several blogs. I kept my own (now defunct) personal blog, wrote for a science-based blog, and wrote for a con-running organization. I dabbled in podcasting for a year or so, as well.

Writing again
Eventually, the stories zooming around my brain demanded they be poured onto the page. I have been working on several novel-length manuscripts, novella-length and short stories all set with the same characters. I also recently started writing flash. I plan to publish most of my flash here.

I look forward to providing entertaining content for you to peruse and enjoy!

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